Acne Medicine

Acne makes the social life of a person hell if not treated on time you might suffer from disfigurement. Acne demands proper care and medical attention right from the early stage. In this connection, most of us have the habit of taking acne medicine, without consulting the dermatologist. This step is fully wrong and you must take the help of medical professional in choosing the right acne medicine.

Acne Medication

In some cases, the acne might not require medicine and a regular skin care will be sufficient in treating them. But if you are suffering from severe type of acne, then you must take acne medicine under the observation of qualified dermatologist. Acne medicines targets not only in uprooting acne, but also protects the skin from scarring.

Types of Acne Medicine

Benzyol Peroxide:

This is one of the most acne medicine, that effectively treats acne. Majority of the acne types can be cured with this medicine. This medicine is so effective that 2% are mixed with creams and gels and works like magic. However, along with the use this medicine dermatologist also recommend using moisturizer as the skin suffers from dryness and becomes flaky.


This kind of acne medicine is taken orally or topically. The medicine is intended to increase the power of the while blood cells so that body can fight back with the bacteria . Where as topical antibiotic lotions and gels also fight the bacteria. They work on the bacteria present in the surface of the skin. It intends to reduce number of bacteria present in the hair follicle. Bacteria occurs on this area when dead skin cells and over secretion of the natural body oil obstructs the pores and makes it favorable for the bacteria to grow. Tetracylcine is one of acne antibiotics. This medicine is usually prescribed for six months. However, depending on the condition of the acne, sometimes this medicine is recommended for one month. If the patient improves after a certain point of time, then the dermatologist reduces the dose of tetracylcine.

Natural Acne Medicine:

various herbal extracts like burdock, cleavers, yellow dock are blended together to make natural acne medicine. This mixture is known to destroy the acne and cleanses the skin effectively. Combined with balanced diet, the patient can take this mixture thrice in a day. The recommended dose would be half teaspoonful.

Over the Counter Medicine:

With the help of over the counter medications, acne can be prevented. You can get over the counter acne medicine of many renowned brands irrespective of the fact that primary ingredients are same are similar. Some of the preferred over the counter medicine are astringents, washes and creams. These products help in spot treatment and fight back with existing lesions. Before going for any acne medicine, one must know the fact that acne types and skin types are different. This means, a medicine that works effectively on one skin type and acne may not prove with that same efficiency for some different skin types and acne. If you feel that you need acne medicine, then you must consult a dermatologist and get the medicine.

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